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Access to a paid online event – 6 months from the date of purchase / publication
Steps for signing up for the congress:
1) Make a prepayment via the website
2) After making the prepayment, our manager will contact you and guide you through the next steps
If you are signing up as a group, please contact us by phone:
If you own a Zen Dentistry bracelet, please contact us by phone:
Exclusive knowledge from the biggest speakers from Russia, Italy, Brazil and China! The most effective, trending approaches will be revealed, author’s methods in various clinical disciplines will be demonstrated!
Over the course of two days, true legends will perform in front of you:
ZenCourses events are always vibrant gatherings with a special vibe, it’s a truly unconventional approach to organisation, good music and high quality.
This time we will create an electro festival atmosphere, where the space will be decorated in a special style, full of a number of conceptual elements to make the experience unforgettable!
What’s special about the Dental Fusion congress?
— Parallel free masterclasses in dental photography.
— Parallel free masterclasses on finishing composite restorations and the ergonomics of working with a microscope.
— Exhibition of artistic dental photographic works, opportunity to meet the authors and purchase paintings.
— Exhibition of selective dental products
— Announcement of the results of the Final of the International Dental Restoration Tournament (details soon)
— Opportunity to visit a boutique of limited edition hand-crafted designer clothing by MadHealer
— The induction ceremony of the new members of MadHealer Group
— the “Recruitment Zone” – is a specially designed area within the congress where interested recruiters will be presented with ZenCourses vetted doctors with the opportunity to review their CVs, portfolios, professional reputation and assess their real skills.
In addition to in-depth knowledge, you will receive:
— Gastronomic delights at particularly delicious brunches, dinners and AfterParties
— Opportunity to network with legendary speakers
— Congress recording with access from 2 to 6 months on the website
— AfterParty in techno party style in one of the most picturesque places of Moscow.
— A set of wonderful gifts from the sponsors
— Every congress participant is entered into a raffle with luxurious prizes
— Unique photo sessions in electric scenery with friends and speakers
You can choose between two recording options:
Standard— Participation in the congress
— Coffee breaks, brunches, lunch, evening buffet of the second day
— Special ZenCourses certificate
— Video recording of the congress on the website with 2 months access
— Sponsor gifts
860 USD – 1200 USD / 410 000 KZT – 570 000 KZT depends on the date of registration and full payment
— Separate reception desk
— Participation in the congress
— Priority front row seats
— Coffee breaks, brunches, lunch, evening buffet of the second day
— Participation in the AfterParty (beginning at 21:30 in one of the most beautiful places in Moscow)
— Special ZenCourses certificate
— Video recording of the congress on the website with 6 months access
— Expanded set of gifts from sponsors
— Special Badge design
— Commemorative T-shirt in author’s design by MadHealer
— 10% discount on Liu Jingjin or Felipe Bezerra practical courses
1140 USD – 1710 USD / 545 000 KZT – 815 000 KZT depends on the date of registration and full paiment
Dynamics of price changes:
Wristband wearers:
Multidisciplinary approach to the restoration of the anterior teeth
As a specialist in various dental disciplines, Giancarlo will demonstrate the principles, tactics, scenarios, and technical aspects of rehabilitating complex clinical cases using prosthetic, therapeutic, and surgical methods.
Duration is 2 hours.
Baratieri Luiz Narciso – Special guest
PAINTING WITH LIGHT – an insiders view of natural teeth.
An inspiring lecture by the legend and “godfather” of Latin American dentistry about the optical properties of tooth tissues, the secrets they hold, and how such an overview can enrich a specialist. In his clinical practice and education, Luiz Baratieri places special emphasis on preventive dentistry, which will also be a part of his presentation.
Duration is 1 hour.
Prosthetics for patients with increased tooth wear.
The possibilities of condylography, individual programming of the fully adjustable articulator, wax modelling, splinting, digital and analogue impressions, aesthetic analysis, planning, trial restorations, tooth preparation, temporary (direct and indirect) restorations, all-ceramic restorations (veneers, crowns), adhesive fixation, isolation, occlusal control will be discussed using complex clinical cases.
Duration is 3 hours.
Diagnostic and technical approach to esthetic rehabilitations
The involvement of the dental technician in clinical work from the very beginning at the treatment planning stage is one of the keys to success. In this lecture, Giuseppe Romeo will describe a systematic approach to esthetic rehabilitation and provide technical recommendations for creating diagnostic wax-ups, provisional, and final ceramic restorations illustrated in a clear, logical sequence. The aim of this lecture is to provide valuable information that will assist the entire team, and especially prosthodontists, in treating various clinical cases. A detailed analysis of the most significant clinical and technical procedures will be conducted, starting with diagnostics, followed by diagnostic waxing, and then moving on to the proper use of provisional restorations. These restorations are the foundation for the formation and correct development of soft tissues, as well as for achieving esthetic and functional goals.
Duration is 1,5 hours.
Microtexture creating skill
One of the world’s leading specialists in composite restoration, Master Liu, will provide a detailed description of techniques and methods for creating super-natural texture and morphology of anterior teeth when performing composite restorations. The lecture will cover various natural relief options, an analysis of anatomy, and combinations of tools and techniques to create different surface effects.
Duration is 3 hours.
Maksim Kopylov & Viktor Scherbakov
The Art of Innovative Resto-Perio Approach: Precision Techniques and Scientific Insights
With extensive experience in collaboration, Maxim Kopylov and Viktor Shcherbakov will discuss the nuances of diagnosis, planning, and implementation of perio-restorative treatment for patients with various esthetic issues, such as gummy smiles, recessions, asymmetric zenith levels, and other clinical situations. The lecture will cover technical details in each discipline, stages and timelines of execution, indications and contraindications, side effects, complications, and methods for their prevention. Key points that surgeons and restorers need to pay attention to will also be highlighted. The lecture will include an analysis of various clinical cases, deep scientific, histological, and chemical analysis of the essence of procedures, their effects, and the contact points of composite restorations with soft tissues.
Duration is 3 hours.
Composite Veneers and Author Techniques for Creating New Dazzling Smiles
An Overview and Demonstration of Aesthetic Upgrades of Anterior Teeth Using Composite Veneers by One of the Most Brilliant Masters from Brazil – Felipe Bezerra
Duration is 2 hours.
Публичная оферта
на оказание услуг по организации и проведению Международного конгресса
г. Москва
1.1. Настоящая публичная оферта (далее – “Оферта”) представляет собой предложение Индивидуального предпринимателя Щербакова Виктора Владимировича (именуемого в дальнейшем “Исполнитель”) любому юридическому или физическому лицу (именуемому в дальнейшем “Заказчик”) заключить договор на оказание услуг по организации и проведению Международного конгресса в г. Москва (далее – “Конгресс”) на условиях, изложенных в настоящей Оферте.
2.1. Исполнитель обязуется оказать услуги по организации и проведению Конгресса, а Заказчик принять и оплатить указанные услуги.
2.2. Услуги по организации и проведению Конгресса включают в себя:
2.3. Исполнитель имеет право привлекать к исполнению данного договора третьи лица.
3.1. Стоимость участия Заказчика в Конгрессе составляет:
Пакет “Стандарт”
Пакет “Продвинутый”
Пакет “Премиум”
3.2. Заказчик производит оплату безналичным путем – перечислением денежных средств на расчетный счет, в размере, указанном в п.
3.1. настоящей Оферты. Обязательство Заказчика по оплате Конгресса считается исполненным в момент поступления денежных средств в полном объеме.
3.3. В случае невозможности исполнения услуги, возникшей по вине Заказчика или когда невозможность исполнения возникла по обстоятельствам, за которые ни одна из сторон не отвечает, то услуги подлежат оплате в полном объеме.
4.1. Организатор оставляет за собой право изменять стоимость участия в связи с девальвацией национальной валюты. В случае изменения стоимости Организатор уведомляет Участника не позднее, чем за 30 календарных дней до мероприятия.
4.2. Девальвация национальной валюты считается форс-мажорным обстоятельством, наряду с эпидемиологической обстановкой, политической ситуацией и военными конфликтами.
4.3. В случае наступления форс-мажорных обстоятельств Организатор оставляет за собой право изменения состава спикеров.
5.1. Участник имеет право на возврат суммы участия при отказе от участия в мероприятии:
5.2. Возврат осуществляется путем перечисления денежных средств на счет, указанный Участником, в течение 30 рабочих дней с момента получения Организатором письменного заявления об отказе от участия.
6.1. Акцептом настоящей Оферты считается оплата Заказчиком стоимости участия в Конгрессе в размере и порядке, указанном в разделе 3 настоящей Оферты.
6.2. Осуществление акцепта означает полное и безоговорочное принятие Заказчиком всех условий настоящей Оферты без каких-либо исключений и/или ограничений и приравнивается к заключению Договора.
7.1. Стороны настоящей оферты несут ответственность друг перед другом за неисполнение принятых на себя обязательств.
7.2. Неурегулированные споры решаются в соответствии с действующим гражданским законодательством.
7.3. Стороны обязуются приложить все усилия по урегулированию споров, возникающих при исполнении настоящей оферты путём переговоров.
7.4. Любые изменения и дополнения к настоящей оферте действительны лишь при условии, что они совершены в письменной форме и подписаны Заказчиком и представителем Исполнителя.
7.5. Во всем, что не предусмотрено настоящей офертой, Стороны руководствуются действующим законодательством.
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