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Monsters of restoration. Online Congress
Viktor Scherbakov, Liu Liujingin, Thiago Veras Fernandez
65 USD / 32000 KZT
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This online congress will consist of the performances of three outstanding specialists: Thiago Veras Fernandez (Brazil), Viktor Shcherbakov (Russia) and Liu Liujingjin (China). Each of these doctors has a great clinical experience, in which they use their special and unique methods and approaches . All three speakers are internationally famous authors of dental training programs helping specialists to master the complex nuances of clinical practice.

Thiago, Victor and Liu will present extremely interesting lectures on three different aspects of direct composite restoration with loads of useful, practically-focused and motivating information in it!

Thiago Veras Fernandez

Composite Resin restorations: Planning, technique and possibilities.

  • - Is composite a reliable material? What science shows us?

  • - Dental and facial analysis for rehabilitation.

  • - Indirect composite technique.

  • - Dental bleaching.

  • - Composites VS ceramics.

  • - Composite resin selection, chemical and mechanical behavior.

  • - Bonding to enamel and dentin.

  • - Lightcuring technique and materials.

  • - Full mouth rehabilitation and anterior restorations with composite resin.

Viktor Shcherbakov 

Morphology of incisors. Central, lateral, upper and lower jaw. Detailed description.

  • - The fundamental basis of dental aesthetics from the point of evolutionary morphology and philosophy. The true geometry of natural beauty.

  • - The degree and quality of functional involvement of incisors.

  • - Variants of an incisors shapes.

  • - Basic elements of incisor morphology.

  • - Variations of the relief. Atlas of shapes and surface characterizations. The texture.

  • - Lateral verges of incisors.

  • - Analysis of a lateral upper jaw incisors morphological features.

  • - Analysis of a lower jaw  incisors morphological features.

Liu Liujingjin

Revealing the secret of the color of the teeth of the frontal department.

  • - The details of the structure of the anterior teeth, the nature of their color and shade, and the nuances of their optical structure.

  • - Do you know that it is not dentin but enamel that makes natural teeth yellow?

  • - Is it true that teeth are completely devoid of color? The importance of the tooth transparency phenomenon.

  • - The key to the correct choice of restoration color.

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