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MadHealer Group


Affiliated members

Zubkova Anna
Zubkova Anna
Country: Russian Federation
Vasiliadis Roman
Vasiliadis Roman
Country: Russian Federation
Paremuzyan Rafael
Paremuzyan Rafael
Country: Russian Federation
Beretar Ruslan
Beretar Ruslan
Country: Russian Federation
Nailya Kalimzhanova
Nailya Kalimzhanova
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Maria Bessonova
Maria Bessonova
Country: Russian Federation
Kirill Brovko
Kirill Brovko
Country: Russian Federation
Murad Gamadaev
Murad Gamadaev
Country: Russian Federation
Olga Tishkina
Olga Tishkina
Country: Russian Federation
Alexandr Pershin
Alexandr Pershin
Country: Russian Federation
David Shеrmazanov
David Shеrmazanov
Country: Russian Federation
Barkushin Mikhail
Barkushin Mikhail
Country: Russian Federation
Mariam Mikaelyan
Mariam Mikaelyan
Country: Russian Federation
Rikardo Fomenko
Rikardo Fomenko
Country: Russian Federation
Kaplan Sheudzhen
Kaplan Sheudzhen
Country: Russian Federation
Farid Mammad-zadeh
Farid Mammad-zadeh
Country: The Republic of Azerbaijan
Alexey Soshnikov
Alexey Soshnikov
Country: Russian Federation
Irada Babasheva
Irada Babasheva
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Seitzhanov Assylkhan
Seitzhanov Assylkhan
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Ivan Ruzin
Ivan Ruzin
Country: Russian Federation

Candidates for the Association

Aidamir Ismailov
Aidamir Ismailov
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Mikhail Trefilov
Mikhail Trefilov
Country: Russian Federation
Kirill Bobrovich
Kirill Bobrovich
Country: Russian Federation
Grindenko Sofia
Grindenko Sofia
Country: Russian Federation
Ivan Desyaterik
Ivan Desyaterik
Country: Russian Federation
Aleksandr Zaslavskii-Shostak
Aleksandr Zaslavskii-Shostak
Country: Russian Federation
Shaikhattarova Natalia
Shaikhattarova Natalia
Country: Russian Federation
Mazurok Margarita
Mazurok Margarita
Country: Russian Federation

The owners of the bracelet

Kaskevich Elena
Kaskevich Elena
Country: Russian Federation
Bekoev Artur
Bekoev Artur
Country: Russian Federation
Akhmetvaleev Artur
Akhmetvaleev Artur
Country: Russian Federation
Morozova-Konstantinova Tatiana
Morozova-Konstantinova Tatiana
Country: Russian Federation
Kozhokar Karina
Kozhokar Karina
Country: Russian Federation
Milovidova Anastasia
Milovidova Anastasia
Country: Russian Federation
Kaloyan Penchev
Kaloyan Penchev
Country: Bulgaria
Refka Rmili
Refka Rmili
Country: Turkey
Malianova Margarita
Malianova Margarita
Country: Russian Federation
Kalimulina Alina
Kalimulina Alina
Country: Russian Federation
Zharkova Natalia
Zharkova Natalia
Country: Russian Federation

MadHealer Group International Dental Association


The MadHealer Group is an informal association of dental professionals who are broadly and resolutely committed to developing their competencies, striving to create and disseminate meaningful knowledge, and developing conceptualized, elegant, truly valuable products for the industry.

The main paradigm of MadHealer Group members is continuous self-development, providing better and more exclusive treatment, and raising the quality level of the entire industry and its prestige.

MadHealer is becoming the largest, strongest and most productive association of dental industry professionals in regions such as Eastern Europe, Central Asia and China, Middle East, North Africa and Indonesia.


– We are engaged in active education of dentists in different formats.

– We organize exclusive small and large scale events in different regions of the world.

– We publish our own international almanac MadHealer Almanac.

– We conduct research, write articles.

– Create cool new products for the industry. We realize concepts and ideas of our members and bring them to life.

– We form a strong community, build bridges, and actively contribute to uniting influential and active professionals from all over the world with each other.

The members of the MadHealer Group are, first of all, enthusiasts with a passionate interest in the profession, those who constantly strive to climb to higher levels of professional development, people who work tirelessly on their skills and knowledge, medical professionals, scientists and entrepreneurs in the dental field, who have the right values, rich cultural content, engaged in creative, constructive activities.

Among us are both those who have long and monumentally established themselves and those who are just beginning their journey. Established doctors and lecturers have the opportunity to learn new forms of their activity and to make themselves known on the international arena in various countries of the world, while those young, persistent and aspiring, who have yet to reach their heights – the MadHealer Association helps to accelerate, enter the right circle and strengthen their position.

About Us
About Us
About Us About Us
About Us About Us

Requirements for becoming a candidate member of the association.

- Any physician, dental technician or student who is creative or actively engaged in scientific and practical activities can become a candidate for membership in the MadHealer Group.

- A candidate for MadHealer Goup membership can be anyone who has participated in online competitions, face-to-face competitions or professional skills tournaments from ZenCourses and partners.


The requirements to become an affiliate member are.

- Participation in at least one of ZenCourses offline events or MadHealer Group small meetings

- Possession of a Zen Dentistry wristband

- Having a portfolio (social media pages or a portfolio of clinical cases designed and presented in another version).


Ways to get the “Zen Dentistry” bracelet.

- Win on a ZenCourses practical course by doing a high level of work

- Win one of ZenCourses' online competitions or face-to-face competitions and tournaments.


Requirements to become an active member.

- Only an affiliated member can become an active member through the following series of mandatory activities and achievements within the activities of the association:

- Proposing at least three publications (articles) for the ZenCourses.pro website.

- Proposing at least one article for the MadHealer Dental Almanac magazine.

- At least one paid or free webinar realized on the ZenCourses.pro site, participation in online marathons.

- Another mandatory requirement is the recommendation of two other active members of the association or direct approval of the candidate by the founder.

- Also, obtaining the status of an Active Member of the association can be accelerated by the following additional activities, which must be taken into account:

- Actively using the community's symbols on social media and promoting the community in the media space.

- Actively suggesting ideas for improvements or new products.

The initial membership level is influenced by:

- clinical experience

- Membership in other organizations

- books/publications

- activity as a lecturer, number of courses realized

- quality of the doctor's pages and publishers in the media space

* Depending on the combination of these factors, a person can join the association at the level of candidate, or affiliate member, or honorary member.

* The status of an active member of the association can only be the result of the doctor's evolution within the community life.